Blazing the Market

TechMedia is built on a pioneering spirit born out of the information age. In as much as we acknowledge the importance of traditional media, we challenge ourselves to create a new, exciting and uncluttered channel for advertisers, turning our focus in an area that registered the strongest, most dynamic growth in recent years: Outdoor Advertising.

In these bearish times, savvy advertisers are finding ways to strategically position their brands or companies in the most cost-effective way possible. Outdoor advertising shows great promise in terms of media spend, with its key strength attributed to the adoption of digital technology that drives its growth. While being generally low-cost compared to the more exorbitant rates of traditional media, outdoor digital advertising also has the distinct advantage of flexibility, high repeat exposures for captive eyeball advertising and relatively low competition in emerging markets.

For the next few years, TechMedia’s focus is expected to be in market consolidation, forming key alliances in outdoor advertising in India, which is one of the world’s largest economies in terms of purchasing power parity. Our first step in that direction is highly successful in achieving a strategic joint venture.

TechMedia plans to respond to the economic challenges facing advertising today, by continuing to leverage on outdoor digital advertising’s unique targeting opportunities, and forge on with our commitment to create new avenues for our potential advertisers – no matter how small or large their needs may be.
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